Jump To …



Effects to request viewer input.

var input_thanks,
	input_options = [],
	input_value = 'Default',
	input_choice = false,

Request viewer input as a single-line text box. The jump_to option will optionally call cacophony.jumpTo() after the form has been submitted, allowing you to create a loop while the form is being shown that is then broken out of afterwards. The save_to option will send the choice to the URL specified, accessible via $_POST['input']. The value is also accessible to subsequent effects via the global input_value variable.


{a:'input_text', d:{
    msg: 'Please enter your name',
    thanks: 'Thanks for your input',
    value: 'Initial value',
    save_to: '/save_input.php',
    jump_to: 10

Auto-complete is also possible, but you must include your own copy of jQuery UI. This way, Cacophony avoids conflicts with existing sites should we provide our own.


{a:'input_text', d:{
    msg: 'Please enter your city',
    save_to: '/save_input.php',
    jump_to: 10,
    autocomplete: list_of_cities
function input_text (data) {
	cacophony.input = true;
	input_thanks = data.thanks;
	input_save_to = data.save_to;
	input_jump_to = data.jump_to;
	if (! data.value) {
		data.value = '';

	if (data.autocomplete) {
		input_autocomplete = data.autocomplete;
		autocomplete = 'onfocus="$(this).autocomplete ({source: input_autocomplete})"';
	} else {
		autocomplete = '';

	cacophony.html (
		'<div style="width: ' + Math.round (cacophony.width * .6) + 'px; height: ' + Math.round (cacophony.height * .35) + 'px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .7); padding: 20px; text-align: left; border-radius: 10px">' +
		'<form onsubmit="return input_save (this)" style="display: inline">' +
		'<p>' + data.msg + '</p>' +
		'<p><input type="text" id="input-field" name="input-field" value="' + data.value + '" ' + autocomplete + ' style="border: 1px solid #666; width: 70%; height: 20px" />' +
		'&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Submit" />&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="return input_cancel ()">Cancel</a></p>' +

Request viewer input as a multiline text box. The jump_to option will optionally call cacophony.jumpTo() after the form has been submitted, allowing you to create a loop while the form is being shown that is then broken out of afterwards. The save_to option will send the choice to the URL specified, accessible via $_POST['input']. The value is also accessible to subsequent effects via the global input_value variable.


{a:'input_textarea', d:{
    msg: 'Tell me a story',
    save_to: '/save_input.php',
    jump_to: 10
function input_textarea (data) {
	cacophony.input = true;
	input_thanks = data.thanks;
	input_save_to = data.save_to;
	input_jump_to = data.jump_to;
	if (! data.value) {
		data.value = '';

	cacophony.html (
		'<div style="width: ' + Math.round (cacophony.width * .6) + 'px; height: ' + Math.round (cacophony.height * .35) + 'px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .7); padding: 20px; text-align: left; border-radius: 10px">' +
		'<form onsubmit="return input_save (this)" style="display: inline">' +
		'<p>' + data.msg + '</p>' +
		'<p><textarea id="input-field" name="input-field" style="border: 1px solid #666; width: 100%; height: 60px">' + data.value + '</textarea></p>' +
		'<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" />&nbsp;<a href="#" onclick="return input_cancel ()">Cancel</a></p>' +

Request viewer input as a set of choices, each of which specify a beat number to jump to via cacophony.jumpTo() once clicked. This allows for branching videos in the style of a choose-your- own-adventure story. The save_to option will send the choice to the URL specified, accessible via $_POST['choice']. The value is also accessible to subsequent effects via the global input_choice variable.


{a:'input_branching', d:{
    msg: 'What would you do?',
    options: [
        {choice: "Go down the dark staircase", jump_to: 10}
        {choice: "Hide in the attic", jump_to: 20}
        {choice: "Call the Ghostbusters", jump_to: 30}
    save_to: '/save_input.php'
function input_branching (data) {
	input_options = data.options;
	input_save_to = data.save_to;

	cacophony.html (data.msg);
	var opts = '';

	for (var i = 0; i < input_options.length; i++) {
		opts += '<p><a href="#" onclick="return input_choose (' + i + ')">' + input_options[i].choice + '</a></p>';

	cacophony.html (
		'<div style="width: ' + Math.round (cacophony.width * .6) + 'px; height: ' + Math.round (cacophony.height * .35) + 'px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .7); padding: 20px; text-align: left; border-radius: 10px">' +
		'<p>' + data.msg + '</p>' +
		opts +

Handles the input for input_text and input_textarea.

function input_save () {
	cacophony.input = false;
	input_value = $('#input-field').get (0).value;
	$.post (input_save_to, { input: input_value });
	cacophony.html (
		'<div style="width: ' + Math.round (cacophony.width * .6) + 'px; height: ' + Math.round (cacophony.height * .35) + 'px; background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, .7); padding: 20px; text-align: left; border-radius: 10px">' +
		'<p style="width: 100%">' + input_thanks + '</p>' +
	setTimeout ('cacophony.html ();', 3000);
	if (input_jump_to) {
		cacophony.jumpTo (input_jump_to);
		input_jump_to = false;
	return false;

function input_cancel () {
	cacophony.input = false;
	input_value = false;
	cacophony.html ();
	if (input_jump_to) {
		cacophony.jumpTo (input_jump_to);
		input_jump_to = false;
	return false;

Handles the choice selection for input_branching.

function input_choose (n) {
	input_choice = n + 1;
	if (input_save_to) {
		$.post (input_save_to, { choice: input_choice });
	cacophony.html ();
	cacophony.jumpTo (input_options[n].jump_to);

Register all effects.

_e['input_text'] = input_text;
_e['input_textarea'] = input_textarea;
_e['input_branching'] = input_branching;